Parcels are uploaded to the customers acount according to the GT number.

If for some reason such a number is not indicated on the sticker on the parcel, the parcel cannot be loaded to account. Such unidentified parcels are stored in our warehouse until the customer is identified.

If the status of parcel is "Delivered" but its not shown in your account, please email us tracking number of parcel, your name and GT number. Our staff will check it in our warehouses and post offices.

If the status of the parcel is displayed on the website of the postal company as "delivered" and it also appears that the parcel is delivered "signed by…", but the parcel is not physically delivered by mail to our company warehouse, in this case, the user must contact the sender to appeal the inadmissibility of the parcel. After filing a complaint, the postal company must include the so-called investigation or Tracer, meaning search status, which means that a search is declared on the parcel to determine what address it was actually delivered to.

The above procedures are mandatory for the user.


Global Transporter LTD does not make a commitment on parcels that did not physically arrive at our warehouse, In case of a disputed situation even if the status of the postal company on the website is delivered and Signed by … , The company Global Transporter as well as its partner companies operating in the US, UK, China and the United Arab Emirates will confirm to the sending company that the parcel did not physically reach the customers address.